Music to me is like air, but way better because sometimes you get a face-full of bus exhaust, and the musical equivalent to that would be shitty FM radio.
So, you wanna be cool like me? Fat frickin' chance. You may be wondering "What should I listen to when I'm at the coffee shop, on my laptop, working j-pegs with Photoshop? I'm checkin' e-mails, drinking five-dollar dirty soy chai lattes and making sure people see my brand new limited edition Nikes."
Yes, you. I'm talking to you. You need some direction, and I'm a road sign to the future, so strap yourself in and feel the G's...
So here's the hottest shit out right now:
Santogold - L.E.S. Artists
Santogold - L.E.S Artistes | ||
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I've had my eye on this lady for a few weeks now, and she's slowly creeping up my most-played list. You may be thinking, "Holy fucking shit, bitch! I need this as my ringtone now!" Well, you better have gotten it yesterday or by this weekend, you won't be cool any more...
Vampire Weekend - Walcott (Insane Mix #2)
Vampire Weekend - Walcott (Insane Mix #2) | ||
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I know, Vampire Weekend is soooo mid-January, which in hipster time is like three years. But everyone and his mother who owns ProTools and FruityLoops is remixing the shit out of them, so this will extend their shelf life another three weeks. At least...
Yeah, I'm using a new font. I hear all the cool kids are like, "Trebuchet is the new Arial." And it's named after a medieval catapult-like device, so you know everyone's blog in Williamsburg is decked to the tits in Trebuchet, because the middle ages are the new seventies. Yes, I know it's a fancy-pants font, like those overpriced day-glo screen printed t-shirts from Urban Outfitters, selling you faux "cool" fashions since whatever.
Justice - D.A.N.C.E. (MSTRKRFT Remix)
Justice - D.A.N.C.E (mstrkrft REMIX) | ||
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So me and my bitches are going dancing this weekend, and if I don't hear this song at least six times, I want my fucking cover back. I'm not paying ten bucks to hear this only once, I need that money for coke.
Foals - Balloons
FOALS - Balloons | ||
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These guys are so the new Minus The Bear, and they're British, so there's like no way they can suck.
Tokyo Police Club - Your English Is Good
Tokyo Police Club - Your English Is Good | ||
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So when people ask you, "What song should I upload to my MySpace profile? I really need people to know that I'm cool, but I don't want too many people to bite my style." Don't you dare tell them that you have this song, because they'll usurp your cool and never give you any credit that, in fact, you told them about this song.
Hot Chip - Ready For The Floor (Soulwax Dub)
Hot Chip - Ready For The Floor (Soulwax Dub) | ||
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It's become really fashionable to use Brit-slang nowadays, I can't walk out of an American Apparel without hearing the employees say that something's either a) wonky b) dodgy or c) brilliant. Usually if they forget, I'll get the ball rolling by saying, "Bloody 'ell, I'm not droppin' 42 quid for a sodding zip-up hoody."
LCD Soundsystem - Big Ideas
LCD Soundsystem - Big Ideas | ||
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James Murphy hasn't slept since 2004...
And the song of the week...
Michael Jackson - Billie Jean 2008 (Kanye West Remix)
(Sorry, you have to outlink to it. But if you don't click on it, you're a dumb-ass because this song is a jam and a half. And does anyone else think Kanye is the new Puffy?)
This is the only news that matters to me... ever.
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